Pewdiepie's Lost Video

I was on Youtube one day searching for Happy Wheels videos. I came across a Happy Wheels video made by a youtuber by the name of Pewdiepie. I watched it and I enjoyed it. I then decided to look through the comments to see if anyone else enjoyed it. But while doing that, I came across a comment that had the name "pewdiepie". It was actually Pewdiepie's name but with a lower case p. It even had the same icon Pewdiepie uses for his channel. I figured that the person did that because Pewdiepie was already taken.
Anyway, the fake "Pewdiepie" only said this "Happy Wheels". I was confused as to why the comment only said that and nothing else. So I decided to check out the channel, big mistake. When I got to the channel, I noticed that it had the same channel art as Pewdiepie's. I then noticed that there was only one video on the channel. The video was called "Let's Play Happy Wheels". I was confused by this title because Pewdiepie never used the word Let's Play in the title of his videos (well maybe in the early days he did). I noticed that the video was uploaded very recently and had no views and was also pretty short compared to Pewdiepie's other Happy Wheels videos. So I decided to check out the video.
The video started out with Pewdiepie saying his traditional opening line "How's it going bros. My name is PEWWWWWDIEPIE (I don't know how to type that out)". Pewdiepie then starts playing Happy Wheels's. The video seemed pretty normal. That is, until after about five minutes, something weird happened.
Pewdiepie just stops playing the game and his face cam goes into full view, meaning that you can see his entire room. Pewdiepie takes out a lighter, he isn't saying anything while he does this by the way. He then pulls out some lighter fluid and he pours the fluid into the lighter. He then pulls out some matches and attempts to light up one of them. He does, but it doesn't go well. While lighting the match, he accidentally sets the entire match box on fire. He then puts the lit match onto a trash bag while he tries to put out the fire on the match box. He does, but the lit match sets the trash bag on fire. Pewdiepie tries putting out the fire with a bottle of water but it doesn't have enough water to put it out. He then takes the garbage bag and puts the trash bag into the corner of his room. He tries to fan out the fire with a cardboard box but to no avail. He then leaves the room, probably to find something to extinguish the fire. The fire starts getting larger and larger and Pewdiepie enters the room with a bowl of water. He pours it on the fire, but it doesn't work. He then uses a blanket to fan out the flames. It seems to be working until the blanket catches on fire. Pewdiepie leaves the room again and comes back with another bowl of water. Like before, it doesn't extinguish the fire. He then gets even more bowls of water but he gives up because the fire is too large for him to handle. The camera just stays on his room showing the fire getting larger and larger, engulfing the entire room in flames. And the video ends.
I was absolutely shocked by the video. I refreshed the video to see if anyone else has seen it. But when I did, my computer all of a sudden BURST INTO FLAMES AND THEN ENGULFED MY ENTIRE HOUSE, INCLUDING ME!